Friday, May 1, 2009

Planned Articles and Discussions for May.

Water Water Everywhere but. Why every family and home (no matter how small or big) should have a water collection plan (uses, storing, purification methods). First article in my series on sustainable living practices.

Thinking Solar? Thinking Wind? Get your feet wet with these small and economical projects to put these technologies right to work and see immediate benefits to home and property. First in a monthly series.

Smart Home Technologies. How the average person can now have the smart home technologies that previously only the rich could enjoy, simple devices for lifestyle and home management. Products and system designs.

Home Theater Designs. Anyone can enjoy a personal home entertainment experience no matter the budget. These discussions and articles will provide all the details to be able to get the most out of your home theater and entertainment experience. Monthly installation tips, and more.

Readers' Feature. Discussions and answers to questions and interests of Brett Talks Tech readers. An interactive opportunity for all of us to share new ideas, tips, and experiences.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Brett:
    Just wanted you to know that I'm checking out your site. I'm still in the process of familiarizing myself with it. Judging from the subject matter immediately at hand, I think you will be engaging in a very timely and appropriate dialogue with all comers. Now I will continue with the process of following your blog, as this is an area still new to me. Good luck.

