Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Grab and go, be prepared.

In an earlier article I mentioned that if you live in an apartment, you should have at least 10 gallons of water per person, stashed in a closet. More if possible.

In cases of city-wide emergencies, this supply would offer a few days of water if water from the tap may be unavailable or temporarily unsuitable for drinking. The mind-set is to be prepared until water is available either though tap or by city/ federal agencies water distribution plans.

Put together a grab-and-go bag or suitcase. Inside place a flashlight, a copy of passport, license, social security card, insurance card, any health plan card, bank information, packets of dried milk, tea bags, a jar or packets of instant coffee, hot coco, energy bars, dried fruit, nuts, dried soups, sweatshirt, heavy long sleeve shirt, jeans, socks, tennis shoes, extra cellphone charger, additional toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, first aid kit, matches in water proof kit, extra pair of glasses, sunglasses, and work gloves.

Place all of these items in a duffel bag or smaller size suitcase ensure that the suitcase is small enough to be able to easily hold and carry if needed, place in same closet as water containers.

Remember in any emergency you are either staying put or getting out. Have one of these bags per person and you should be able to have at least three days or more of food, water, and change of clothing without panic thinking.


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