Friday, September 4, 2009

Water Woes - Part 2 Continues

To become Master of the country,
first you have to control the water. Ancient Chinese Saying.

Regardless if you live in city limits, with water supplied from municipal sources, or a more rural community, with your own well water, water, water conservation, and water collection should be of concern to you.

For municipal users, cost of water use will continue to climb in many states across the country. This is mainly due to water supply levels dropping across the spectrum of municipal water sources such as regional lakes, rivers, and aquifers.

As water sources decrease, states that have traditionally shared water resources across state lines are now looking at ways, both legal and mechanical, to reduce the output and distribution of their precious water resource.

Even those homes with water wells on the property are not immune from water related problems.

New developments tapping into a shared aquifer can quickly lower water levels. I have a well on my property, at 130 feet we are drawing water, about the same as my other neighbors in our 2-5 acre 1970's home division (only 10 homes were built by this developer on this tract).

Last year my neighbor had to re-drill a new well - it was 300 feet before he had reached a comfortable depth for pumping.

Other rural communities have seen commercial water companies purchase land and place multiple wells on the property draining water resources that communities have relied on for generations.

So what can an individual or family do? Fight big business water companies? Fight municipal water costs and regulations?

The sustainable living practitioner must take responsibility for themselves to become as water responsible as possible.


By conservation, collection, and reclamation.

Let us enter a typical home, and walk room to room, to discover together, what, if, and how water and (water related) energy may be reduced and conserved.

If you think that water or energy conservation is limited to only kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms then you will be pleasantly surprised to know that in such rooms as living, dining, family, and bedrooms, savings and conservation can be gained.

Water Woes part 2 continues today with, Conservation Methods For Water and Energy Savings.


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