Friday, July 31, 2009

Sustainable or Survivalist Living? - It's All In The Thinking

Both the "sustainable" home mindset and the "survivalist" mindset share many common interests and long term goals. However, each offers its own unique perspective on what self-reliance and sufficiency means philosophically.

This distinction is important because, our American News Media tends to dismiss the "survivalist" practitioner as one of the radical, political right members of our society.

Also, many individuals that do not believe in global warming, resent the "green" overload in media and products, and are unable to separate their difference of opinion on those issues with the social benefits of alternative energy, renewable resources, and sustainable living practices.

But in our current social and economic times any significant practical experience and know-how, no matter it's source, should be seen not as radical, not as a political right or left issue, but as knowledge that can lead to significant long term benefit for the individual, family, community, and ultimately our nation as a whole.

Please join me as we explore both the differences and the common interests of the "sustainable" and the "survivalist" philosophies and living practices in a series of articles through August.


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