Thursday, December 3, 2009

One Step Forward Two Steps Back

You have probably noticed that I have been away for the last two months.

I needed to take a step back, and take a look at where the blog was going.

I needed to understand what was my purpose for writing my articles, and attempting to engage in an interactive discussion with others about new technologies in smart homes, alternative energy and sustainable living?

With the Internet filled with just about every bit of information, article, post, and opinion on any subject that one may think of, so what more could I offer?

I noticed that my articles became less about new or green technology, but focused more on establishing a sustainable living practices.

Perhaps it was due in part to "a sign of the times", with so many people out of work, encouraging home (victory) gardens, and basic food pantry storage methods might not have been a bad thing.

Even though my blog reached The Executive Office Of President Of The United States, I wondered if I was giving my readers anything of value?

I realized I did offer my readers something of value. Sustainable living for the individual, the family, local communities, states and nation(s) is vital in today's world of technology and economy.

In this new world of economics, employment, and technology, sustainability is what it is all about.

So, I have sustained!

Brett Talks Tech is back and will be here daily with thoughts, information, articles of interest.

I welcome all readers to suggest a subject or technology to discuss and away we will go.
